Wednesday, February 18, 2009

2008 NIAA Convention Sumary

New Year Message from President Harrison Salami
Ladies and Gentlemen
Greetings to one and all and thanks to the Almighty that we have all lived to see yet another New Year. Without doubt, I am sure that 2008 was a very challenging and intriguing year for most if not all of us. Fortunately, it is behind us now and as we embrace 2009 let us do so with grace and a new attitude. I want to say a big thank you to every member of the NIAA family and to express my profound gratitude to all of you for the role that you have played thus far to bring our beloved NIAA to where we are today. Thanks to all who made sacrifices (in spite of all odds) to make it to the 2008 Dallas Convention and to those who could not, we hope to see you in Houston this fall. A very special Kudos to the Dallas Planning Committee for working so tirelessly to ensure a successful Convention. Although final figures are not yet available, I have asked the Financial Secretary and the Treasurer to reconcile our books so that the final figures for '08 will be made available to all.

As I venture into my second year as NIAA President, I must use this golden opportunity to again express my heart felt gratitude to all of you for your cooperation, patience and understanding. It has been quite a challenge and I am sure that you would agree with me that although we have quite a way to go, a lot has been accomplished and the best is yet to come. 2009 is somewhat a pivotal year and as a result we must bind together in our effort to get NIAA to new heights. It will take everyone's effort and commitment and I trust that together, we will be up to the task. At the Dallas Convention, a couple of people expressed, or at least implied that NIAA's mission was nebulous. I strongly recommend that everyone reads our Mission Statement by going to So where do we go from here? Just a few bold and ambitious goals and proposals for 2009.

1. To continue to increase the quality and quantity of our current membership and become even more diverse (All Sports)
a) All members to be involved in the process (Recruiting)
b) To formally launch a zone in Nigeria

2. To raise a minimum of $50,000.00 in 2009 (After expenses)
a) Convention/Banquet
b) Donations from Corporations
c) Donations from members
d) Donations from other Charities
e) Special Events Fundraisers

3. Ten Scholarship awards for 2009 fiscal year
a) Seven in Nigeria
b) Three locally (Houston/USA)

4. Allocation of $5000.00 to a Commiseration Fund to be limited to the following; (A Benevolent/Goodwill Committee will be formed to formulate guidelines for items 3, 4and 5) (Figures to be determined)
Immediate family member:
a) Member's Parents ( Father/Mother)
b) Member's Spouse
c) Member's Child/Children

5. Allocation of $5000.00 Hardship Trust Fund for active Athletes; (All Sports) (Specific figures to be determined)
a) Injuries
b) Assistance with medical expenses
c) Tuition
d) Toefl

6. To increase NIAA's Charity affiliation by at least three to five.

Ladies and Gentlemen, all of the above may seem overly ambitious but they are achievable. They will require MONEY and as a result we have to improvise and share some workable ideas to raise these funds. It will take a unified effort, commitment and dedication. We are now at a stage in our existence that everyone MUST also begin to exhibit our God given talent if we are to succeed. We all know what the problems and concerns are. Now, it is time for solutions. I am asking everyone to buckle down and let us all go to work for NIAA and our future generation. All and any workable idea that benefits NIAA and our mission is welcome and will be given an equal consideration.

My Comrades, the future of our beloved organization looks very bright and together we can make it even brighter. I remind you also that NIAA is bigger than one or two or three individuals therefore, just another friendly reminder; ASK NOT WHAT NIAA CAN DO FOR YOU, ASK WHAT YOU CAN DO FOR NIAA?

I wish everyone a very Healthy Prosperous and fun filled New Year.

Harrison Salami
President, NIAA

NIAA News:
Houston Convention – The Houston team has narrowed down the 2009 banquet hall location and are zeroing in on accommodation. They are finalizing pricing, options and logistics. More information to be furnished in the coming weeks.
Executive meeting summary – The executive team had a conference call to discuss a unique opportunity presented by the Minister of sports. The minister wanted representation from at least 3 NIAA members at this year’s national sports festival. The president called an emergency conference call to deliberate on which members to send to Nigeria.
2008 Minutes- Just a quick FYI to members that the 2008 convention minutes have sent out. Please let us know if you did not receive a copy and we will try and provide you with one electronically.
2009 Dues – Just a quick reminder that less than 10 members have paid dues for 2009. Please send your dues to our treasurer Rita Didikiri.

NIAA announcements
Executive meeting scheduled for February the 8th at 7:00PM Central time. All executives should make it a priority to attend.

Member Announcements:

On a sober note, Ajayi and Victor Agbebaku lost the mother last week. Please reach out to our brothers and pray for them.
Vincent Oghene, AKA Elephant, one of our fellow athletes in Nigeria, also passed away. Please feel free to contact Chima Ugwu and express your condolences.
Chidi Imoh and family just welcomed a new bouncing baby boy to the family. Mother and baby are doing fine.
Friday Enoye and Yvetta Hill announced to the group that they will be tying the knot June 20th in Seattle Washington.
Tony Agho lost his Mother-in-law.
Oluchi Elechi lost her father in law.
Victor Edet lost his mother early this year.
Toyin Okenla-Ojeaga lost her brother in law.

Please feel free to reach out to our brothers and sisters and express your support in a time of need.

Athletes Spotlight – Farewell to a fallen Comrade, Dr. Musa Dogonyaro ( Nigerian Olympian 400m): Nigerian Olympian Extraordinaire. Please feel free to read more about this outstanding comrade of ours by going to the link below. Must read article

Nigerian Humor –

Three contractors were visiting a tourist attraction on the same day. One was from Nigeria, another from Germany, and the third from France. At the end of the tour, the guard asked them what they did for a living. When they all replied that they were contractors, the guard said, "Hey we need one of the rear fences redone. Why don't you guys take a look at it & give me a bid?" So, to the back fence they all went to check it out. First to step up was the German contractor. He took out his tape measure and pencil, did some measuring and said, "Well I figure the job will run about $900. $400 for materials, $400 for my crew, and $100 profit for me." Next was the French contractor. He also took out his tape measure and pencil, did some quick figuring and said, "Looks like I can do this job for $700. $300 for materials, $300 for my crew, and $100 profit for me." Without so much as moving, the Nigerian contractor said, "$2,700." The guard, incredulous, looked at him and said, "You didn't even measure like the other guys! How did you come up with such a high figure?" "Easy," he said. "$1,000 for you, $1,000 for me and we hire the guy from France."

Highlights from Nigerian Sports

16th National Sports Festival Kaduna Nigeria

''Motivation and Reward'' Nigerian Style: NFF abandons Flying Eagles after semifinal loss to Cameroun

NIS reveals ways out of the woods for Nigeria’s sports

Case of the missing cell phone: Etim Esin seeks N100m compensation from Austin Okocha

Nigeria 2009 FIFA Underr-17 World Cup: FIFA disappointed -

SPORTS CONCESSION: Please Mr. President call Ndanusa and Ekeji to order — Obienu